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Konark Jain

A.I. Enthusiast | Final Year Undergrad at IIT Guwahati

About me


I am an Artificial Intelligence enthusiast and I recently graduated with a BTech in Electronics and Electrical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from IIT Guwahati. I am currently a Quant Research Analyst at JP Morgan Chase in the Market Risk group.

I am proficient at Python Programming (adept at Tensorflow, Keras, scikit-learn; working proficiency in PyTorch), C++ Object Oriented Programming and MATLAB Programming.

I want to perform state-of-the-art research in the field of AI and contribute in any way I can to the race towards making an Artificial General Intelligence. I am constantly aspiring to learn more from novel projects. My most recent work is on Reinforcement Learning for Games and Generative Models.

In my free time, I love to read non-fictional books. One of my favorite category is biographies of famous scientists. I am an ardent fan of biographical movies and documentaries. During my off time I love to travel in areas unexplored and 'untouched' by civilization. I am also a cricket fan and I love to play Chess.

Feel free to contact me for any opportunities related to Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence.

What I do


I have been doing projects in AI both in internships and independently. I typically like to work alone but I have done some group projects as well:

  1. Similarity of small texts using keyword extraction and similarity measures between keywords.
    Link to Project

  2. Generative Adversarial Networks for Face Generation

  3. Self Balancing Cycle

  4. Parallel Tempering for Bayesian Neural Networks

  5. Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition

  6. Human Activity Recognition in RGB-D Videos using conventional Machine Learning

  7. RBC, WBC and Platelet counter in blood smear images using Image Processing

I am always looking for projects with research aspects to them. I have been fortunate enough to have written three papers during my internships. They are listed below:

  1. R. Chandra, K. Jain, A. Kapoor, A. Aman, "Surrogate-assisted parallel tempering for Bayesian neural learning" , in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence Journal 2020

  2. R. Chandra, K. Jain, R. Deo, S. Cripps, "Langevin-gradient parallel tempering for Bayesian neural learning" , in Neurocomputing Journal 2019

  3. D.K. Vishwakarma and K. Jain, "Human Activity Recognition using Movement Polygon in 3-D Posture Data" , in IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (Under Review)

I try to write when I can. I write about anything that interests me which to be honest is an immensely broad category. I also am extremely fond of Urdu and Hindi poetry. I will try to link some of my favourite passages here too.

Check out some of my online articles here:

  1. A Narcissistic View of My Interest in Math - Published under Noteworthy Journal on Medium

  2. These were the People - Published under Noteworthy Journal on Medium

  3. What makes Math mysterious - some brilliant results in Math - Published on Medium

  4. Stats Series #1 — Elastic Net - Published on Medium

  5. Stats Series #2 — MCMC - Published on Medium

  6. My Kindle Highlights - Published on Medium


Portfolio Management using Reinforcement Learning

Developed a Deep Q-Learning Model along with a portfolio management environment for Reinforcement Learning. The model can learn to maximise either sharpe ratio or returns or minimize volatility. The model is able to beat the naive approach of assigning equal weights to all stocks when tested on several holdings of a popular mutual fund. Future work includes testing of various other RL models to improve the performance of the model and compare the performance with the performance of various mutual funds.

Fingerprint Counterspoofing

Developed a differentiating statistic between a spoof fingerprint and of that of a real person. Classification using this statistic was able to match the state of the art with over 90% accuracy. Various texture features were extracted and the feature extraction capabilities of Convolutional Neural Networks were also exploited to develop a robust fingerprinting recognition system against modern spoofing techniques.

Investigating the Fractal Dimension of Fingerprints

On the recent conclusion of a course I took in the chaos theory, I came across the method of texture analysis using fractal dimension calculation of an image. Since fingerprints are visually self similar in the ridges pattern. I then used the box-cutting method for fractal dimension estimation and found that the dimension of the image is around 2.6 which is much higher than that of a non-fractal image's dimension which is usually equal to or below 2. Therefore I concluded that fingerprints indeed possess some fractal nature in them. Further work would be done to test this claim across datasets and applications of this discovery might be pondered upon.

GANs for Face Generation

Compared Vanilla GAN and DC-GAN for the task of generating face images from a small dataset. Researched on computational expense of GANs for small tasks and ways on how to improve it.

Reinforcement Learning for Minecraft

The task was to develop a sample efficient reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to train an agent on the Minecraft game. Researched on various meta-RL methods for this sparse rewards and hierarchical nature of the tasks. Developed and tested Options-Critic Algorithm and compared its performance with several baselines like Rainbow and DDQN.

Self-Balancing Cycle Bot

Constructed from scratch a bicycle which was able to balance itself and move along a given path without falling. The project’s motivation was the development of unmanned delivery systems for two-wheelers. Developed a novel technique of self-weight balancing by using PID Controllers to achieve self-stabilising action in the bicycle.

Similarity Measures for Short Text Comparison

The task was to generate similarity scores between a customer query of a job and hundreds of options of Resumes for finding the perfect match for the job. Challenges included short text nature of the query and scalability. Developed a software which uses word embeddings from pretrained word2vec algorithms and various similarity metrics for each option to find the best match. Keyword extraction performed over Resumes text and scraped data from LinkedIn profiles.

Blood-Smear Image Analysis

Used image processing techniques over images from a blood smear on a glass frame for detection of diseases like Malaria. The algorithm was able to report RBC, WBC and Platelet counts and thereafter reported a probability of being ailed by any of the five diseases we trained the model to detect.

Work Experience


JP Morgan & Chase

Quantitative Research Analyst
July 2020 - Present

  • Developed various statistical models for risk quantification of a number of lines of businesses as a part of the Market Risk Core Analytics group.
  • Daily work includes dealing with large quantities of data with Pandas and developing Python code and various tests for mathematical modelling.

JP Morgan & Chase

Quantitative Research Intern
May 2019 - July 2019

  • Worked on topics of Machine Learning with outlier handling for Market Risk Prediction as a part of the Market Risk team.
  • Developed various regression algorithms to estimate and replace very expensive services required by the firm for risk calculation in Commodities LOB.

The University of Sydney

Research Intern
May 2018 - July 2018

  • Interned in the summer at the end of my sophomore year at the Centre for Translational Data Science, University of Sydney, Australia on the topic of Parallel Tempering for Bayesian Neural Nets under Prof. Sally Cripps and Dr. Rohitash Chandra.
  • Developed the methodology of using parallel tempering - a multi chain monte carlo markov chain (MCMC) sampling technique - on multicore architectures (like high performance computers) for classification and regression tasks.
  • The algorithm cut down the time of computation by a factor of half while retaining the performance of a single chain MCMC technique.
  • Wrote a paper on the same, then took on another project using surrogate assisted optimization for reducing the time of computation by another factor of two on large data problems while the performance dipped by a minuscule amount.
  • Used Python language and coded the MCMC algorithm along with the Parallel Tempering and Surrogate Assisted Parallel Tempering from scratch using multiprocessing programming, neural networks and surrogate optimization.

Defence Research and Development Organization

Research Intern
December 2017 - January 2018

  • Interned at the Defence Terrain Research Laboratory at the DRDO Complex in Delhi, India on the topic of Unconstrained Face Recognition using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Coded a CNN for multilabel classification of real world images of faces in the wild from scratch using the Tensorflow library of Python.
  • The major challenge I overcame in the development of the software was the recognition of images in unconstrained environments and with a variety of poses.
  • The algorithm developed was able to show results at par with the current state-of-the-art with near to perfect accuracy for some datasets.

Delhi Technological University, New Delhi

Research Intern
May 2017 - July 2017

  • My very first intern experience was under Dr. D.K. Vishwakarma from the ECE Department of DTU, New Delhi. I worked on Human Activity Recognition using SVMs.
  • We classified MS-Kinect captured RGB-D Video Sequences to classify twenty different activities in real time.
  • We formulated a 4D to 1D dimension reduction technique named "Polygon Mapping" for such videos for effective computation.
  • The classifier was able to detect activities with a mean accuracy of 94% across various datasets.



Bachelor's in Technology

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
with a Minor in Mathematics

Current CGPA:
Major: 8.76/10
Minor: 8.63/10

High School

MVN Public School, Faridabad

Class XII - 93%
Class X - 10.0/10.0 GPA